Promoted at the Kettering Foundation

I am honored and delighted to report that I have been promoted at the Kettering Foundation, to the newly-created role of Director of External Affairs and DC Operations.

l-r: Gilmore, Rourke, Dallas, Doherty

This move is part of a larger set of promotions along with good colleagues and friends: Paloma Dallas is Senior Program Officer for International Programs; Joni Doherty is Senior Program Officer for Democracy and the Arts; and Melinda Gilmore is Director of Communications — all these changes designed to position Kettering to move quickly as we complete a comprehensive strategic planning process. (Here is today’s full announcement.)

As many friends know, I have been on staff at Kettering for almost exactly ten years, serving primarily as executive editor of issue guides. But my association with, and affection for, the foundation goes way back. As early as 1997, after traveling from Maine to visit Kettering, I called my wife from the airport: “I have found where I want to work,” I told her.

Kettering, it seems, has always been in my heart.

Democracy, now under threat from so many quarters, needs defenders such as Kettering more than it ever has, both in the U.S. and globally. As Kettering reassesses how best to meet these threats, I am thrilled to be tasked with raising the impact and profile both in DC and beyond.

Thank you specifically to Kettering president and CEO Sharon L. Davies, who is a force of nature as she leads us in this strategic reinvention.

More to come!

5 responses to “Promoted at the Kettering Foundation”

  1. Brad, work with college students convinced me of the need to deeply embed framing into curriculum at all levels. Deliberation is crucial but it rests on framing to shift from either/or thinking. This can help teachers focus on learning (on what learner’s experience) rather than on teaching, especially as leveraged distant from teachers and classrooms. Teachers can cultivate more exemplary practices from thinking through how the frame issues than from multiple iterations of forums, even guided well by others. Framing can be a curriculum building tool leading to deliberation within disciplines and more substantive learning – of content and process.

  2. Thank you Jim! Yes and yes.

  3. This is just so wonderful, Brad!

    You are a treasure! 


    div>Glad Kettering got th

  4. Congratulations on the promotion. Are you now living in the DC area? Is the DC office still on North Capitol?

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